Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why Love marriages Fail

What I have seen yet is that most of the time either love marriages failes or they failes to carry that level of attraction which it contains before the marriage. I wanted to find out why it is so.
The main problem occurs in two thing ...
1- Seriousness
2- Time

Lets take it from the starting, When 2 ppl meet with each other and they fall in love. Some time boys are not that serious for that love but still they pretend to be, coz they want to get that girl probably because they want to make some status in society by making such a b'ful girl his Gf, or b'coz he wants to have sex with that girl. In any case they both started feeling love and after some time they think they should start thinking of marriage.

Graph Of Love Vs Time

This is the time when they are at the extreme position of love, graph of the love grow very fast in starting then it comes to a position when it started decresing to some level then it becomes steady for very long time. But most of the time ppl started thinking of marriage when they are at the extreme position without giving each other sufficient time. And before this peak period they both dont even think seriously abt their future life, pros and cons of love marriage and all those thing, they are just dreaming of a better life. So they got married at the peak level of love, and then problems started coming to there life.
So after marraige boy started thinking of their family their future and all those thing,So he is nto able to five that attention to her, at the other end love also started decreasing at the normal rate from both side. So girl started thinking that he is not loving her any more and they started fighting and this problem grows with the time. In this case either marriages end or both compromises for the sake of their children. But in both case their not able to persist the love they had before the marriage.
So what can we do to make this marriage successful.
1- Take and give sufficient time to your partner so that after some time you reach to a steady level of love.
2- Seriously think about the marriage life, this is some thing different from love life as it involves more then 2 ppls life, think about the future options, how it affects to your life, pros and cons in terms of your and others life.
Then if you think that yeah we can take up this marriage you should go for this. And if you think that after some time instead of gtting soem steady level of love its got finished, or you think that u'll have to face more problem after marriage then dont go for it ( marriage).
Dont go for the marriage just for the sake of it. It would be better to end a love life at good end instead of carrying it with grief for the whole life.

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